Tips on Selling Property at a Higher Price after COVID Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic temporarily blocked your plans to sell your home, but we have some unique tips to help you in the changing real estate market. A few changes like aesthetic and functional repairs in the property might increase its resale value.

The COVID-19 crisis stalled the construction and the resale, slowing down the real estate sector. Many homeowners lost their source of income or have decided to relocate and need to sell their houses quickly. PSG professionals suggest some hacks that extract better prices from the sale of their fixer-upper house or any property in general.

Having a well-maintained property

Naturally, a well-kept house attracts the attention of buyers first than a shabby property. Try to make a budget to improve the appearance of property put on sale.

What should I do to sell my house quickly? Consider applying a fresh coat of paint on the interiors and exteriors of the building. Painting walls in neutral tones will add openness to the space and enhance the overall property-surveying experience of possible buyers.

Also, get professional cleaners or get tools for deep cleaning the house. A dirty bathroom and kitchen can gross out the people coming to see the property.

Clean the countertops, shelves, closets, and every corner of the house. Remove broken pieces, cobwebs, and dust from around all light fixtures. Store things away if you want your home to look clutter-free, organized, and neat.

Make a property on sale look as spacious and clean as possible. The buyers should be able to visualize themselves in this new space. Remove personal things like family photographs and belongings from drawers and wardrobes. An empty space is a blank canvas for our brain.

Spread the news

If you are planning to sell or have already put the property on sale, let everybody know about this. As a seller, consider telling friends, family, and your neighborhood. This way lot more people get to know about this buying option in a few days.

People you know already like your present neighborhood and even your house. Their relatives could also think about purchasing the property. It could lower the turnaround time of a home getting sold. Of course, put details of your house on online listing websites. Having more buyer options can help you negotiate and get a higher price.

Energy Efficient Homes

If you are thinking of selling a furnished house, consider including appliance and design features that are energy efficient. Greens homes are trending, and installing LED lights and smart meters will increase its green quotient. It could arouse the interest of younger buyers.

Being transparent

Hiding information and documents can send away potential buyers. Be open to talking about house details. A buyer must feel guaranteed to get complete ownership of the property. Have these documents on hand:

  • Society No-objection Certificate (NOC)
  • Clear title deed
  • Chain of ownership documents
  • Property tax receipts
  • Encumbrance certificate
  • A general power of attorney certificate (if required)

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